The Killings in Wasacona

An interactive murder mystery novella

What kind of outcomes did players have? How do other players compare to you?

Final Outcome

You Outcome All Players %
Super Hero
You selected the correct perpetrator for all crimes. Henry was arrested, you saved Jamal, and you were not reprimanded.
Case Closed
You selected the correct perpetrator for all crimes. Henry did not escape, and you were not reprimanded.
Long Arm of the Law
You identified a perpetrator for each crime, and selected the correct perpetrator at least once. Henry did not escape.
Unfinished Business
Any outcome that doesn't match one of these.
All Talk, No Results
You didn't ever identify the correct perpetrator, and you didn't save Jamal.
You didn't even offer a solution to any crime.

What Happened to Henry?

You Outcome All Players %
Arrested and Charged
You arrested Henry, and were able to charge him with at least one crime.
Arrested and Released
You arrested henry, but were not able to charge him with any crime.
Henry escaped your attempts to arrest him, and has fled town.
At Large
You made no attempt to arrest Henry, and he remains in town, teaching at the college.
Henry killed himself.
Burned to Death
Henry burned to death in a horrible car wreck.

What Happened to Jamal?

You Outcome All Players %
Saved, and Got a Lead
You saved Jamal's life, and she gave you a suspect name.
Saved, but No Lead
You saved Jamal's life, but she didn't give you a suspect name.
Investigated Promptly
You investigated Jamal's death immediately.
You got information about Jamal's death later.
You didn't even know that Jamal was killed.

Which Archetype were You?

You Outcome All Players %

Did the College Close?

You Outcome All Players %
You told the college president to close the college during the investigation.
You told the college president to keep the college open during the investigation.
Didn't Ask
The college president didn't ask you about keeping the college open or not.

Did Abraham help?

You Outcome All Players %
He offered, you accepted, and you received information.
He offered, you accepted, but you did not receive information.
He offered, but you declined.
Didn't Offer
Abraham didn't offer to help.

Did you hear from an eye-witness?

You Outcome All Players %
You received information from an eye-witness.
You were offered, but declined to hear, information from an eye-witness.
No eye-witness came forward.

Was there a protest?

You Outcome All Players %
Melody's parents led a protest at the Sheriff's office.
Despite being unsettled, no one in the town protested.

Did you rescue Miss Moffet's dog?

You Outcome All Players %
The dog is safely back with her owner.
The dog remains loose in the town of Wasacona.

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"The Killings in Wasacona" Copyright (c) 2024 Steve Kollmansberger.